Green Home..Green World...
At least I've already started it by my garden home..:P
Yesterday my husband took me to Gumati in Gadog Puncak, a beautiful valley view cafe with natural concept in foot mountain of west Java.

I was surprised, you know what..?? I saw many new uniek plant there....then I bought 2 plants named
Pacira and A
ngustilobum. Nice to have them home now. See..they are so pretty...

See the Pacira
See the Angustilobum
ooh ya..another thing update from my garden home are my Bunga Terompet infront of my bedroom finally blooming , my backyard roses and other flower also blooming again..
see my terompet kuning
my other roses @ backyard
my other roses @ backyard
Let me show you my other unik plant...

see unik white bolces in the leaf.

my lovely kalanchoe colorful
This is the performance of the plant when it got sunshine, but when there is no sunshine..the leaf will close next to the other like tighting their hand together.